Friday, August 24, 2012

What makes you a Wicked Girl?

Soap, which isn't really relevant to the rest of the post, but there you go.

And so are you.

I'm a Wicked Girl because I quit a stable (if awful) job to go and follow my passion.

I'm a Wicked Girl because, a few years before that, I got out of a marriage that didn't work any more, one that gave me a place to live, food to eat, and money to spend -- but was killing my soul --  and struck out on my own.

I'm a Wicked Girl because I've stopped doing work that doesn't feed my soul. Because I've rejected the stability and predictability of 9-5 for going to bed when I'm tired, getting up when I'm rested, and letting the money come when it will...because I'm doing what I love, and that's worth more than a million kagillion bucks.

I'm a Wicked Girl because, in a few months, I'm gonna leave behind the idea of even having a stable address or a home that stays in one place, and strike out in an RV, living on the road, travelling as I please.

What makes you a Wicked Girl?


  1. I am preparing to leave a work situation that says it offers stability and status but has instead killed dreams and made people decide that everything they worked for, cared about, loved, needs to be jettisoned, just for survival. I am really scared, because I need the money. But I need to get out. I'm making my escape plan now. This is very timely.

  2. *winces* I had that job for a while. It was in the process of killing me when I got out. I hope your escape goes well!

  3. wat a b'ful post :)

    there was no space for my life in my job and so jus like u i also kicked my job to pursue my life...
    that makes me wickedly ME :)
    n m loving every moment of it :)

  4. I think I'm the same Wicked Girl that you are, only different.

    See you on the road!

  5. FUNNILY ENOUGH I had that sneaking suspicion myself.
