Thursday, January 26, 2012

Project Log: Wrist Rest Cover

I have a wrist rest for my keyboard -- as do most folks who type a lot. It's the older style, without the gel, and they're difficult to find these days. I plan to keep this one forever.

But, alas, the plasticized 'fabric' it's covered with does a number on my skin if they touch. Which they do, see, because I use the thing.

So I had this solution. I took a scrap of linen and wrapped it around the wrist rest, and attached it neatly with rubber bands, and figured I'd come up with a more permanent solution later.

...that was probably five years ago. So it got to looking like this (fair warning: gratuitous cat picture):

I finally got sick of this last weekend, just before the trip to the mountains with my family, so I gathered my materials and laid my Plans.

I have an old, beat-up flannel shirt that once belonged to my dad. I wore it until its holes had holes, then kept it for sewing projects, because the fabric was so soft. I've already used part of it to cover my mouse pad, but I didn't think to take pictures of the project. Suffice to say it came out looking pretty good.

I used one sleeve for the wrist rest, since it was just the right length:

I knew if I simply wrapped the wrist rest in the flannel it'd slide all over my desk, so I had to leave the grippy part on the bottom uncovered. Instead of wrapping the fabric all the way 'round I folded it over and pinned it to the bottom edge of the wrist rest, and started whip-stitching it on, like so:

I didn't sew all the way to the end. I knew I was going to have to fold it over neatly somehow, and I wasn't sure how yet.

Instead of dealing with that, I turned it over, pulled the fabric tightly across the top, and pinned and sewed as before.

Eventually my fingers got tired -- it's hard to pull a needle through something as dense as a wrist rest -- and I experimented with the ends, finally coming up with this, which turned out pretty neat:

Over the weekend (and with plenty of breaks for another project, about which more later) I got the rest of it stitched up. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Here's a view of the bottom, with the grippy part still quite available to keep the thing in place on my desk.

And here it is back in use (cat optional). You can see my mouse pad, covered in the same fabric, to the upper right:

It's more comfortable for my wrists, I don't have to worry about the rubber bands breaking and flying across the room (which used to happen disturbingly regularly), and wow, does it look good.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Up to the Mountains

Not Colorado's mountains, alas. But the Appalachians are pretty, too, and even more importantly I got to spend the weekend with my family.

My Aunt Ann has an absolutely beautiful, luxurious cabin in the mountains, and she's generous enough to share with us from time to time. We went up there last weekend -- me, my mother, my sister, my nephew, and of course Loiosh -- and had a wonderful time.

Riley wanted to see his picture in the viewscreen of my camera, but he doesn't yet understand that I have to take his picture first, so there were some Unnecessary Closeups:

Riley and Mom spent a bunch of time playing with beads -- or, as I like to call it, 'sewing practice':

Mom made dinner Friday night (her wonderful lasagna), and I cooked on Saturday -- an African-inspired peanut stew that I really ought to post the recipe for sometime. We took a few walks in the (very, very cold) woods, got plenty of naps (my sister especially enjoyed hers), and spent some time in our favourite hobbies -- Mom and Aunt Ann doing crosswords, and I got in some sewing (about which more later).

And Loiosh spent most of the weekend (when not being chased around by Riley) napping atop the couch.

My sister got artistic with her iPhone -- I think this was Instagram? Or one of those? Either way, it's a beautiful portrait of my boy.

All in all, a lovely weekend, and a lovely break.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Remember that 'depression' thing?

Surprised by how long it took me to get around to that 'gratitude' thing?

...okay, so sometimes it takes me a little bit to catch on.

  • So I've got this kitten. Who's almost a cat, these days. And oh, she loves me.

  • I get to see my nephew ALL THE TIME.

  • Free rent. And utilities. Also the fact that it's been almost two months and my mother and I still haven't killed each other.

  • Did I mention the cats? I take Loiosh to my mom's store once a week to help keep an eye on Riley. And he puts up with it.

  • There's a laundry room right in the house. No laundromats!

  • I've gotten some truly awesome sewing projects done (about which more later).

  • Getting back in touch with old friends. A lot of them. Like, zillions.

  • Also, best nephew ever.

  • My whole family is right the heck here. RIGHT HERE.

  • Weekends at the cabin in the mountains.

  • Sometimes my mom cooks, and I don't have to.

  • Also, she really likes my cooking.

So'll do. It'll do.